2017 Annual Club Awards & Xmas Bowls

Report by Greg Gourley, President

Following an afternoon of bowls, Club President Greg Gourley gathered attendees together in Tuggeranong Vikings Club early in the evening of 10 December 2017 to congratulate all swimmers and coaches on a year of successes - both at individual and club level.

With over 100 members, we are one of the largest and most successful Masters Swimming clubs in Australia. Guided by an excellent coaching team, we have a high participation rate not just at training and at Masters Swimming events, but also at other events such as triathlons and open-water swims.

Greg made the following intro to the proceedings ...

Welcome everyone to the 2017 Tuggeranong Masters Swimming Christmas Party and Awards Night. Thank you to the committee for this hard work over the past 12 months.You and I as club members, benefit from the efforts of a small group of hardworking volunteers — the committee - working behind the scenes.Nothing happens by accident — the committee members plan and undertake many activities, such as:Members registrationsClub affiliationsBooking lanes for trainingSetting a coaching plan and arranging coachesOrganising events, taking entries, organising relay teams and running the eventsRunning enduranceMerchandisingSocial events and volunteer coordinatingWorking with our club sponsor — the Vikings Club and running rafflesRecording club records and meet resultsPublicity — updating the web site and web site managementTechnical OfficerManaging the club’s financesManaging and running the committee meetings, keeping records, managing correspondence, communications to members and managing the legal requirements for the club.

The committee is made up of club members. We do try to make the “being on the committee experience” as pleasurable and rewarding as possible. We have a meeting most months and the meetings run for a fixed 1½ hrs. Many meetings involve medicinal food and beverage. I encourage any member who has some time available to consider joining the committee, in that way you can help run the club in the way you want to see it run. We also have assistant positions where one can learn the ropes and also help out.The success of what the committee does can been measured by the size of the club. Tuggeranong Masters Swimming Club is one of the largest masters clubs in Australia. Thanks again to everyone on the committee.Next, to thank are the family members of club members. Not only do the family members let us go swimming, but they support the club at swim meets are in other ways.A couple who come to mind who regularly support the club are:

Audrey Stutsel — always performing the role of marshal at swim meetsScott Makin — working as recorder at swim meetsPeter Sharman — also working as recorder at swim meetsSandy Sharman — performing many jobs at swim meets and also helping out at endurance swims.... and all the others family and friends who help out.

Now we have ourselves — the members to thank. The club is made up of, and run by its members. The club needs you to join, to train, if you like, to compete and if you can, to be part of the committee.

Honouring swimmers who have made consistent achievements and/or improvements throughout the year, and have best represented the aims of Masters Swimming and of our own club, our 2017 club awards were presented as follows:

Helen Morris

Gill and David Buckley Encouragement Award

This award is for a Thursday morning swimmer who trains regularly, takes instruction and applies it to the best of their ability, and just plain tries hard but has fun too. Helen Morris was presented with this award in 2017. Helen is moving to Sydney next year and we will miss her enthusiasm and friendship, but we believe she will be training with the Sutherland Sandbern Club in NSW - all the best for your move Helen.

Tuggeranong Masters Swimming Encouragement Award

Introduced in 2013, this award is for an evening swimmer who similarly trains regularly, takes instruction, and applies it to the best of their ability, trying hard and having fun. The 2017 award winner was Donna Sims.

Christine Leary

Tuggeranong AUSSI Masters Most Improved Swimmer

This award is for the swimmer who, no matter where they've started the year, has demonstrated the best continuous improvement. Paul Quinn has been a regular at training and started off as an already fast swimmer and has improved his speed throughout the year - congratulations Paul .... that 50m Freestyle in 27.something seconds is quick!

Endurance Performance of the Year

This award was a new award introduced this year. Christine Leary was a very worthy first recipient. We have watched Christine embark on the endurance program, take instruction and tackle the 800m Butterfly .. well done Christine!


Ann Reid

Postal Swimmer of the YearThis award is for the swimmer who has made the best effort at Postal Swims throughout the year. Ann Reid has over the years been a regular top supporter of postal swims, and again this year has entered all postal swims available.

Iron Person of the Year

This trophy has been around for many many years and is never engraved. Jane Waddleton is the worthy recipient for 2017. Despite health issues, Jane has continued to train and take part in the endurance program as well as racing in our local ACT Interclub meets, and is about to undergo a hip replacement operation - best wishes for a speedy recovery Jane.

Judy Gallagher Memorial Trophy for Swimmer of the Year

Caz Makin

Our 2017 Swimmer of the Year is Caroline Makin. Caz has swum an amazing number of kilometers in competition and endurance this year! She has had a very successful year with numerous medals and PBs at ACT, NSW State, National, and International events during 2017 as well as open water swims not counted in the pool swimming stats ... the kilometres stats swum by Caz are big! ....

Backstroke 15,275m, Breaststroke 14,800m, Butterfly 7,300m, Freestyle 19,350m, Individual Medley 6,400m: Grand Total 63,125m

Caz Makin

Club Person of the Year (President’s Choice)

The Mortlock award is for the member who has made the most notable overall contribution to the club during the year. President Gourley was very delighted to present the 2017 award to long-time club committee member and holder of numerous roles including Club Captain, Coach, Publicity Officer, and Website Editor within the club ... Caroline Makin.

'Laugh Out Loud' Recognition AwardThe 'LOL' recognition award was introduced as a fun award this year. There were a few nominations for this award for a  LOL moment throughout the year. The inagural winner was Al Byrne.

Al Byrne

At the NSW State Relay Meet in July 2017, Al Byrne admitted to forgetting to take his watch off before racing and placing it down his budgy smugglers just before entering the pool for a race. Asked if he wasn't worried it would fall out, his reply was "not to worry when I dived in I made a quick check that it was still there"! Very amusing Al ... we love your "timekeeping abilities"!!... and to finish off back where the day started ... some bowling action .... where family and friends joined in the fun!See you all in 2018 for more "friendship, fitness, and fun" under the Masters Swimming Australia motto.


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The Tuggeranong Challenge 2017 | “The Richard Flockart Edition” | 16 September 2017