Eight intrepid Vikings endure the 2023 MSNSW Long Distance SC Champs
Report by Ann Reid, Club Recorder
Eight intrepid Vikings took on the daunting challenge that is the MSNSW Long-Distance SC Championships held at Knox Grammar on Sunday, 24 September 2023.
Ann and Kylie at the 1500m Buttefly Start
First up were Kylie and Ann in the 1500m Butterfly. Kylie finished with a time of 33:24, well and truly breaking Ann’s club record from 2011 and taking her age group gold medal. As Ann completed each lap she did wonder whether having Helen Rubin as her IOT (Inspector of Turns) was a conflict of interest as it was Helen’s 2015 state record Ann was gunning for! Ann finished with a time of 37:19, comfortably breaking Helen’s record and the 800m and 1500m club records as well as her age group gold medal.
Belinda, Katrina & Atsuko line up from the 1500m Breaststroke
The 1500m Breaststroke saw Atsuko, Katrina, and Belinda lining up in the first heat and Donna in the second. Atsuko, Katrina, and Donna now hold the 800 and 1500m club records in their respective age groups (they all also earned their age group gold medals) with Katrina also taking the 400m record from the same swim. Belinda came second to Atsuko in their age group.
Liesl and Richard competed in the 800m Freestyle both taking silver medals and Richard the club record in their age groups.
Next up were the 400m events, with 400m Backstroke first up where Atsukosecured gold and the club record in her age group. Katrina placed in silver and Donna in gold position in their age groups.
In the 400m Breaststroke: We saw respective age group placings of Kylie: gold; Ann: silver and the club record and Richard: bronze and the club record.
Lesil swam the 400m Individual Medley and secured a silver age-group medal, followed by Belinda with an age-group gold in the 400m Freestyle.
It was a great day!