News stories
Catch up on all the news from our club, and check out what our swimmers have been getting up to recently in the pool and beyond.

Vikings take on the World at Masters Championships 2023
The World Aquatics (Fina) Masters Championships post-Covid lockdowns finally took place in early August 2023 in Fukuoka, Japan, after 2 years of postponements.

Vikings lap it up at the Great Barrier Reef Masters Games 2023
The Great Barrier Reef Masters Games are held every two years in Cairns. The sixth edition took place from 25-27 May 2023.

Vikings go hard at National Championships 2023
It was a relatively small team of Vikings that ventured to the Apple Isle, where the 2023 National Championships were held at the Doone Kennedy Aquatic Centre, Hobart 18-22 April 2023.

Vikings swim up a storm at Broulee Bay to Breakers Ocean Swim | 12 March 2023
The 1.4km Broulee Bay to Breakers Ocean Swim starts at Broulee Island (Shark Bay) and swims east and then south around the headland to the Broulee Surf beach and clubhouse. Due to the ocean conditions, the 2023 event saw the swim buoys being set so that the course was 1.6km.

We are the champions! Nationals 2022
Vikings win Nationals 2022 top point score trophy .... "Extra, extra read all about it, we’ve got the team and we’re proud to shout it. We’re rough, we’re tough, we’re hard to bluff, we won the Nationals by showing our stuff!"
And that is exactly what our Tuggeranong Vikings Masters swim team did at the National Championships 2022, held in Sydney from 20-23 April.