Postal Swims Participation 2021
Report by Catherine Alexander, Postal Swims Coordinator
Pauline Rohan and Christine Leary timing for "The Animal"
It won’t be long before we are back in the pool post-COVID lockdown (again!) and if you are considering extending your swim sessions from training to a further pathway to enjoy swimming and extended fitness, then Postal Swims may be for you.
Our club has strong Postal Swims participation. These members compete in our pool, for the satisfaction of completing a swim challenge, presented from a distant club. Our swimmers have taken part in far-ranging events from Bunbury in WA to Toowoomba in Qld without leaving the Tuggeranong Valley! They do it for the "fun and the fitness", but the merchandise awards for successfully completing the swim are always a nice bonus.
The last swim completed was the Surrey Park Seahorses, “The Animal”. Each swim has a different format and this one is a real beast, as the demanding list of swims must be completed in one single day. To be a successful entrant each swimmer had to complete:
200m each of Butterfly, Backstroke and Breaststroke
400m Individual Medley, and
800m Freestyle.
Postal Swims occur throughout the swimming calendar and are a good partner with the Endurance 1000 program. They are a great way to build fitness and endurance, and a great way to get to know other club members.