British Masters Swimming Open Water Nationals | 30 July 2017
Report by Greg Gourley, Club President
2017 British Masters Open Water Champs Podium
We received hot news about our Club Captain, Caz Makin, from the UK at the end of July 2017.
Caz WON her F45-49 age group at the British Masters Swimming Open Water Nationals in Sheffield, England, and was 8th fastest overall from 81 Female swimmers.
Distance = 3km. Time = 43.29.
Achieved in a borrowed wetsuit (which never fit)!
Caz represented East Leeds Swimming Club for the event (the club her sister Philippa swims for in the UK).
Her hubby Scott and sister Philippa were there supporting her at the edge of the lake along with some of the other members of East Leeds
.Full results: